to CEOs.
Sexual Orientation Discrimination
When a public or private employer discriminates against an employee or job candidate based on the person’s sexual orientation, the employer may be acting in violation of federal and state laws. Gordon Law Group, LLP attorneys, based in Boston, represent people who have been victims of sexual orientation discrimination in Boston and across the country.
When you choose Gordon Law Group, LLP, you can be confident your case is in experienced hands. In fact, with a track record of success and a reputation for excellence, our skilled legal professionals are frequently cited as being among the best employment lawyers in the nation.

Recognizing Potential Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination
Employment decisions including hiring, promotions, pay decisions, layoffs, terminations and more should be based on employees’ skills and abilities to perform the duties of their jobs rather than on their sexual orientations. Unfortunately, some hiring managers and supervisors act inappropriately and illegally, denying employees opportunities because they identify as LGBTQ+.
Sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace or gender identification discrimination can take several forms. Such discrimination is sometimes overt, as in the case of a hiring decision or promotion. This type of discrimination can also be more subtle though, taking the form of inappropriate jokes, sexually offensive language, inappropriate comments or unwelcome physical contact. Whatever form it takes, discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identification is wrong and against the law.
The U.S. Supreme Court held in a 2020 ruling that employment decisions made based on sexual orientation or gender identity are forms of discrimination based on sex, which is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In addition, many states have enacted laws such as the Massachusetts Fair Employment Practices Act. This law prohibits employers from discriminating against employers or candidates except in situations where disparate treatment is based on bona fide occupational qualifications.
A Skilled Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lawyer Can Protect Your Rights
The attorneys at Gordon Law Group, LLP have decades of experience handling all types of employment litigation, including discrimination cases based on the victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity. We are committed to standing up for what is right and holding employers accountable for their actions, whether they are large, multinational corporations or smaller local companies. We represent individuals at any stage in their careers, from entry-level service workers to those in the executive suite.
To learn more about how an experienced sexual orientation discrimination attorney can help fight for your rights, contact Gordon Law Group, LLP today to schedule a consultation.