to CEOs.
Race Discrimination
Race Discrimination Lawyer in Boston
Discrimination based on race, whether it was intentional or even unintentional in some cases, is against the law. The reputable Boston-based attorneys at Gordon Law Group, LLP represent individuals across the country at all stages of their careers who find themselves victims of racial discrimination in the workplace.
Our attorneys understand the nuances of racial discrimination cases and are proud of the firm’s established reputation among Boston race discrimination lawyers. In fact, our attorneys are frequently cited among the best employment lawyers around.

Understanding and Recognizing Workplace Race Discrimination
Although it is illegal, racial discrimination in hiring and in other employment decisions still occurs in workplaces of all sizes and across industry lines.
Examples of workplace discrimination based on race include the following:
- An employer creating a hostile work environment for one or more minority employees
- Not considering or hiring minority candidates
- Passing over minority candidates for promotions or better working conditions or assignments
- Paying minorities lower compensation than similarly qualified non-minorities
- Terminating employment or otherwise making racially based layoff decisions
- And more
Of course, not all negative employment decisions or actions are based on an employee’s or candidate’s race, but discriminatory intentions are all-too-often present. Illegal race discrimination workplace violations can also sometimes occur when an employer unintentionally engages in employment actions that disproportionately affect minority employees or candidates.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination. Title VII makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against any individual with respect to his or her compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of his or her race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This law applies to all employers with 15 or more employees, and it covers all aspects of employment, including hiring, promotion, termination, and compensation. This law also makes it illegal for an employer to harass an employee because of his or her race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Massachusetts Law Against Race Discrimination
Similarly, the Massachusetts Fair Employment Practices Act (c. 151B) is a state law that prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other protected categories in the workplace. This law applies to all employers with 6 or more employees, and it covers all aspects of employment, including hiring, promotion, termination, and compensation. This includes state and local governments.
The law requires employers to take reasonable steps to prevent harassment and to take action when harassment is reported.
Protections Against Retaliation
Importantly, the laws prohibiting race discrimination also prohibit retaliation against employees who complain – internally or externally – about unlawful discrimination. The laws even protect those who complain on behalf of their colleagues or who testify in a lawsuit, even if the person making the complaint is not a minority. For example, if an employee complains that they or other workers are being treated differently, they may be protected from adverse employment action too. This is when hiring a Boston race discrimination attorney may prove critical, to make sure the internal or external complaint is proper and well-documented.
Proving Race Discrimination in Employment
In order to prove race discrimination in employment, an employee must show that they were treated differently than other employees who are similarly situated. This can be difficult to prove, as employers often have legitimate reasons for their actions. However, if an employee can show that their race was a motivating factor in the employer’s decision, they may have a valid claim.
There are several ways to prove race discrimination in employment, including:
Direct Evidence: Direct evidence of discrimination is evidence that directly shows that the employer was motivated by the employee’s race. This may include evidence of discriminatory comments or statements made by the employer.
Circumstantial Evidence: Circumstantial evidence of discrimination is evidence that shows that the employer’s actions were motivated by the employee’s race, even if there is no direct evidence of discrimination. This may include evidence of unequal treatment, such as being passed over for promotion in favor of a less-qualified employee of a different race.
Statistical Evidence: Statistical evidence is evidence that shows a pattern of discrimination against employees of a certain race. This may include evidence that shows that employees of a certain race are disproportionately affected by employment decisions, such as termination or demotion.

Class Actions
State laws enacted across the country also prohibit racial discrimination. This type of discrimination case is often brought by individual victims, but can also be decided by class action lawsuit. The attorneys at Gordon Law Group have particular experience with class action lawsuits. If many employees at a particular company are suffering similarly, a class action may be the best choice.
Remedies for Race Discrimination in Employment
If an employee was terminated as a result of race discrimination, they may be entitled to one or more remedies:
Reinstatement: They could be reinstated to their former position.
Back Pay: They may be entitled to back pay, which is the amount of money they would have earned if they had not been terminated.
Front Pay: They may be entitled to front pay, which is the amount of money they will lose in the future as a result of the termination.
Emotional Distress Damages: They may be entitled to an amount of money which would compensate them for the emotional distress suffered as a result of the race discrimination, whether as a result of having to endure a hostile work environment or the result of losing a job or promotion.
Punitive Damages: They may be entitled to receive an award for punitive damages, in the event it is determined by a court or jury that the behavior they suffered was outrageous.
Our Racial Discrimination Attorneys Fight to Hold Employers Accountable
The knowledgeable attorneys at Gordon Law Group, LLP have decades of experience representing victims of workplace race discrimination in Boston and beyond, and we have a long track record of success. We are committed to advocating for victims’ rights and holding employers accountable for their actions.
Whether you are currently experiencing racial discrimination by your employer, were a victim in a previous role, or believe a prospective employer did not consider your candidacy based on your race or ethnicity, having a skilled legal professional in your corner can make a difference.
If you have been racially discriminated against at work, contact Gordon Law Group, LLP today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced discrimination attorneys.